2024 Leap Day Bugs

Did your build remain green last Thursday?

Leap Day Bugs
10 minutes by Matt Johnson-Pint

Many petrol stations in New Zealand experienced problems with self-serve payment terminals.

Unblocked provides development teams helpful and accurate answers to questions about their codebase. It tailors answers by complementing source code with relevant discussions from GitHub, Slack, JIRA and more. See how teams ship faster by spending less time digging for information and dealing with interruptions.

Solid State Devices using NAND Flash, how they differ from Hard Drives, and how they affect file deletion and recovery.

Event Interception
10 minutes by Ian Cartwright, Rob Horn, and James Lewis

Intercept any updates to system state and route some of them to a new component.

Twenty Years Is Nothing
10 minutes by Adrian Kosmaczewski

In a previous edition of this magazine, we argued that English was so pervasive in our industry, nobody even questioned its use anymore. The same can be said of Git. It is difficult to imagine that merely twenty years ago, the landscape of source control tools was more diverse.

The trie is a deeply nested tree. The structure is commonly used for predictive text engines because you can represent all strings as a tree. Then, you can use word probabilities to decide on what word you should recommend. This could be done by using a reference corpus of millions of words from English publications to identify how common dfifferent words are.

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