4 Software Design Principles I Learned the Hard Way

If there’s two sources of truth, one is probably wrong. And yes, please repeat yourself.

If there’s two sources of truth, one is probably wrong. And yes, please repeat yourself.

Omlet is a new component analytics tool that helps React developers drive component adoption and improve code reusability. With a simple one-line install, you can get visibility into component usage across your entire codebase. Spot duplicate components, unused props, and opportunities for refactoring. Try Omlet free for 30 days.

Scaling to Count Billions
14 minutes by Sangzhuoyang Yu

How we built a scalable and reliable content usage counting service.

As the amount of data Grab handles grows, there is an increased need for quick detections for data anomalies, while keeping it secure. Read this to learn how the Risk Data team utilised Flink and Datadog to enhance data observability within Grab’s services.

Logging is a critical tool for maintaining any web application, and yet we're getting it wrong.

10x Engineers
11 minutes by Vadim Kravcenko

I’m part of the group that thinks 10x engineers are great, and no, it’s not a myth. But I have a more nuanced perspective

And a some short great news for US folks:

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